YouTube video of 'Catching the Eagle'
- Fantastic News!
Earlier this year, genes reunited encouraged me to make a promotional video about my novel, Catching the Eagle which is, of course, based on the true story of our criminal ancestor. I have been a member of genesreuinted since 2003. Their organisation helped me to research our family history and uncover valuable information about the main characters, Jamie, William and Cilla Charlton.
Thanks to lot of help from the wonderful (and very patient) Dave Cocks of Redcar RNLI, I made a video and now genes reunited have linked it to their website for their eleven million members.
On top of this, they are posting the news on their face book page on Saturday. I would be really grateful if anyone with a face book account could leave a comment beneath the post when it appears in order to keep it near the top of the page. Thanks a lot.
Face book page for Saturday:
You can view the video on YouTube by following the link below. - Enjoy!
"Catching the Eagle - How one family's true crime past became a novel"