American Amazon jumps the gun...
If you live in the states and are interested in buying a copy of the hardback novel for Xmas presents or personal pleasure, then this is your chance to get in there before the Brits. We got the Harry Potter books before you did - but you can get Catching the Eagle first. Likewise if you have any American friends or family whom you think may be interested in purchasing a copy then please forward the news.
And please don't forget to leave a review on the Amazon website once you have read it... ;)
I am slightly bemused by all this and have been warned that may follow suit. It is completely out of our control. We just have to go with the flow. Amazon seem to be a law unto themselves. Nothing changes at the UK end as far as I am concerned - the book launches etc. will commence as planned. I am hoping for a silver lining out of this confusion. Hopefully, we will get more sales as the next couple of months are the biggest book buying months of the year... :)