'The Sculthorpe Mystery'
20,000 Words and Counting

But of course I never work Monday to Friday on my writing. I'm a single parent with family responsibilities which often come between me and my writing and I'm also a notorious totty-head (Regency slang for giddy and hare-brained.) It doesn't take much to distract me from my work or to entice me away from my desk. A bit of sunshine will draw me to the beach for a long walk and the prospect of being a lady that lunches with her friends is often far, far too much to resist.
So it's always a relief to find that I've somehow managed to reach my monthly target. By this time next month, both children will have settled back at their respective universities and I have a cunning plan to up the pace of this novel writing business.
Mmm, on second thoughts maybe I should see what invites come my way first before I do that? ;)