Canadian Charltons...
Judith is a direct descendant of Henry Charlton born in 1729 at North Carter Moor. Henry was the uncle of Jamie and William, the main characters in Catching the Eagle, although it is highly unlikely they ever met him. It is believed that Henry emigrated in 1750's. We believe he eventually settled in Nova Scotia, married and had ten children of his own. Many of his descendants, including Judith, still live there.
Of course, it was unlikely that our families still bear any family resemblance after two hundred years on different continents but it turns out that we do have one thing in common. Judith tells me that: 'all our (Canadian) Charltons are are big-boned...I don't believe I've ever met a small, petite Charlton.'
Anyone who has ever met my hubby and my children - or Chris' father, Arthur, and his siblings - will be smiling at this. Our Charltons also tend to rather stand out in a crowd.
The picture below overlooks Wolfville in the Annapolis Valley, Novia Scotia, near where Henry Charlton finally settled with his family.